Congratulations to the
Fall 2023 General Members
The Executive Board and its Board of Advisors of the New York University Marketing Society, under the authority of the Inter-Club Council and the Stern School of Business, have inducted the following members as Members of the Organization.
Alejandra Palomeque
Allison Zhu
Allison Cao
Amal Dinov
Amelie Song
Anna Boscher
Anna Kim
Annelise Palumbo-Alkire
April Lazo
Ava Mateega
Berlin Smallwood
Camila Vazquez
Charles Hilgendorf
Crystal Yeh
Dorian Zhou
Duru Topcu
Elaine Liang
Elva Lei
Helen Wei
Helen Gui
Hoang Anh Pham
Isabella Ji
Jadyn Reveley
Janet Chang
Jeaguen Kim
Jeramy Stavlas
Jerzelle Lim
Jiyoung Suh
Johnny Wen
Joon Mo Park
Kaila Randolph-Mitchell
Kesare Garcia
Khushi Malhotra
Kristen Carcieri
Krystal Wu
Larry Dong
Laura Lu
Laura Teofilo
Lena Howard
Lena Moon
Leo Kim
Maggie Li
Mary Wang
Mubarak Savage
Naisha Dahiya
Nandini Rajesh
Nicholas Magenta
Olivia Peng
Owen Shi
Paulina Flores
Rebecca Gold
Saanika Banga
Saanvi Nigam
Sarah Kim
Sasha Lambrecht
Shayla Flynn
Sneha Tripathy
Steven Kuo
Vedika Agarwal
Winston Tan
Yeyoung Lee
Yingran He
Yue Cui
Zoe Applebaum
Congratulations to the
Fall 2024 General Members
The Executive Board and its Board of Advisors of the New York University Marketing Society, under the authority of the Inter-Club Council and the Stern School of Business, have inducted the following members as Members of the Organization.
Aarushi Jain
Adrianna Nehme
Alejandra Guadarrama
Alisia Houghtaling
Allen Lu
Allison Zhu
Amal Dinov
Amanya Sahney
Angela Teng
Anna Kim
Annelise Palumbo-Alkire
Arnold Kim
Ashley Paniagua
Ava Mateega
Barry Huang
Brodie Shea
Celeste Pacheco
Chengyang Kong
Claudia Ng
Connor Greenspan
Crystal Yeh
Elaine Liang
Grace Steffen
Hyerin Jeon
Jocelyn Ho
Jonathan Yu
Joy Lee
Kardelen Kalyon
Karin Nakajima
Katya Sucher
Laura Teofilo
Laura Lu
Leela Rajagopalan
Lekya Kantheti
Maddie Lee
Mannat Gautam
Mia Ryan
Naveed Shakoor
Neil Zhou
Nicole Zhao
Noe Rhee
Ran Chen
Richa Mallampalli
Ridley Sollecito
Risha Shetty
Saanika Banga
Shayla Flynn
Sonakshi Gupta
Sunny Liang
Vincent He
Zhining Zhang