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Humans of Marketing Society -- Janny Hong

Rachel Liu

March 15th, 2021

By: Rachel Liu


"Most of the others in the Taekwondo club, they’ve been sparring for years so they were way ahead of me.This guy John, he was a mentor/coach I knew from high school, he gathered some of us (taekwondo college students) to his house to train.From September to October to November, we’d put mats in his backyard and spar.It was the highlight of my week, honestly.I had less than a year of sparring, so I was pretty bad. Two of the others there taught their own dojangs.I was the newbie. There was this one day John, he found this camera . We were sparring that day and there was this great moment whereI was sparring against one of the really good people, and I kicked her head.That sounds weird but headshots give the most points, and that was the first time I’ve ever gotten a headshot.I was so proud of myself. And then she went for a headkick and I blocked it.I just felt so proud. Two weeks later, John printed out these two photos for me. I hung the pictures in my room."


Meet The Speaker!

Name: Janny Hong

Major: Business with a Concentration in Operations

Year: Sophomore

School: Stern Reach Out!

Fun Fact: I like to write letters Email:


Rachel Liu is one of Marketing Society's Spring 2021 Co-Content Directors at NYU Marketing Society. She is a sophomore at NYU Stern concentrating in Marketing and Management. She is running the Humans of Marketing Society column! Check it out here!


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