February 24th, 2021
By: Grace Zhu
A logo plays an important role in a company’s branding, helping consumers visualize the identity of the company. But why do companies choose to change their logos? There are a plethora of reasons, such as to accompany changes in the company’s branding or services, to modernize an outdated-looking logo, or to improve the design. Let’s look deeper at some recent logo changes!
Burger King

Burger King is rebranding itself by focusing more on food quality, aiming to eliminate all artificial colors and preservatives from its burgers (CNBC). To reflect this change, their new logo notably does not have a vivid blue arc and instead features more natural food colors, such as orange. Additionally, the new logo is more minimalist, having fewer shapes and colors than the previous one. This change is especially helpful in today’s digital world because it is easier to see simpler designs on screens when ordering on a phone or scrolling through social media (Restaurant Business). Thus, the Burger King logo is changing with the times.

Kia, a South Korean automotive manufacturer, endeavors to change its brand perception by focusing on the future possibilities of cars and electric vehicles (CNET). Thus, their new logo looks futuristic and minimalistic, leaving behind its previous basic font and circle for a rhythmic script. The new logo better suits Kia’s ambitions for the future, such as creating electric vehicles, by looking more modern and leaving a new perception of possibility in consumers’ minds. However, some have been critical of the logo change, pointing out that the new logo may be hard to read and could be mistaken to read “KN” instead of “KIA” (Motortrend).

For the first time in over 20 years, Kellogg’s is making a big change to Mr. Pringle’s look! According to the company, the “more dynamic mustache, sharper bow tie, sparkling eyes and expressive eyebrows” of Mr. Pringle “puts the focus on the irresistible taste in every Pringles crisp and stack” (PR). Kellogg’s made Mr. Pringle’s design cleaner and simpler with the aim of bringing customers’ attention to the chips instead. Nevertheless, some do not approve of Mr. Pringle’s new look, arguing that minimalism has stripped him of his enthusiasm and warmth (AllRecipes).
These recent examples illustrate a trend of applying minimalism in logos. While minimalism can make logos easily identifiable and memorable, it can also make them seem less authentic and friendly. What are your thoughts on these logo changes? Feel free to let us know in the comments section!
Grace Zhu is one of Marketing Society’s Spring 2021 Co-Content Directors at NYU Marketing Society. She is a freshman at NYU CAS majoring in Economics and minoring in the Business of Entertainment, Media & Technology. She is running the Case Studies column!
Works Cited
https://www.cnet.com/roadshow/news/kia-logo-badge-rebrand/ (also new Kia logo picture)
https://www.motortrend.com/news/new-kia-logo-design-details/ (also old Kia logo picture)
Burger King logo pictures: https://logos-world.net/burger-king-logo/
Pringles logo pictures: https://logos.fandom.com/wiki/Pringles#2009.E2.80.932020_.28US.29.2C_2009.E2.80.93present_.28International.29